Here is the map:
Here is my table:
So we rolled for points and Phil rolled high, a 6. What to take. I really need some firepower and thought about taking the Zis3 again or a MMG for less points, but in the end I have decided on an additional Regular Squad at 4 points and a Sniper team for 2 points. I can put the squad in front and let them whittle down the Germans and not take hits on my remaining squads. The sniper team is there to possible take out a Squad Leader or Officer and try and drop Phil's Force Morale, at least that is the plan.
Below is my setup .I put the Sniper in the building on the right with my officer behind it. The squad I purchased is across the road to the left. I also placed a squad from my main force in the building on the far left in the back:
Phil brought one of his platoons that had minimal losses, the PZ Mk III and 251 HT from the last game and switched out the sniper with an additional HT. And me with no Anti Tank units, I knew I should have taken at least an ATR. Rolling for Force Morale Phil ended up with a 9 and me a 8
So the opening turn saw Phil advance a 251 HT with a squad down the right side with e squad on foot on the left of it.
The tank and the other 251 HT with the 3rd squad moved down the road. the tank using the fence as cover.
Turn 2 saw the middle German squad advance up and the Sniper, who was on Ambush, take a shot and hit! Hitting the Squad Leader but only wounding him. This drop Phil's Force Morale down to 9
The squad in the left hand half track disembarked and advanced on the Sniper. This allowed me to bring out the squad hiding behind the building on the left of the road. Firing I put a couple casualties on the squad
From the Russian side:
Turn 3 I advanced up my squad to bring more firepower to bare on the German squad and it paid off taking out all but the 2 LMG's and the NCO, but Phil passed his Morale Test. I was hoping to inflict enough casualties here to drop his FM early, but that didn't happen...yet
So the middle German squad moved up and fired on a Russian squad I was running up to a fence, should have just advanced them:
The resulting fire from the middle squad and the squad that disembarked form the 251 HT was devastating to saw the least. Yes that is just eh NCO left. This also dropped my FM down 1
Overall situation around the end of turn . The German squad in front of the sniper is down to just 2 LMG's and the NCO. My Sniper has lost his observer and fallen back. The Support squad is in front of the tank taking fire, one squad is down to the NCO. I have my only squad with 2 LMGs on the far side putting long range fire into the German Squad on that side. My main thrust is the 2 squads moving to the center. If I can only take out that 1 squad.
Finally some good luck for me, I wipe out the German Squad but Phil rolls good and his FM only drops to 6.
My NCO is finally wiped out and drops my FM down 1 and the Support Squad is wiped too, another drop. Down to 5 and things are not looking good.
So next Turn, I withdrew the squad on my far right. The tank moved up and wiped one of the squads along the road and then we rolled for the other remaining squad which bolted. dropping my FM down to 2
Victory for Phil and his CO and men's opinion changed some, but his personal outlook went to Merry which meant he was drinking too much, or something like that. Since my guy was new and took heavy losses the CO's opinion was at -2 and the men's opinion is at -3. with the losses I took in this game there was no way I would win in game 5 so I gave that one to Phil. and it is on to Game 6 where I hope to hold out for 2 turns and then I can get some heavy support.
This is turning out to be a great way to play Bolt Action instead of the normal just show up with 1000 points and slug it out. This really makes you think about what you are doing turn by turn as your forces need to carry to the next game. Take too many losses and you cant fight the next one well.
So force roll was a 4 so 7 points for me and 14 for Phil, gulp. Maybe he won't take that Tiger. At least his Panther roll was a 5 so none of those next game.
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