Relief of Khartoum: (6 – 1 - 5, 10 units of Dervish, 1 Band of Dervish Cavalry, 1 band of Armored Cavalry, 2 Jihadiya Rifle, 2 Rubs of Western Ansar, 4 rubs of Nile Ansar, and 2 Cannons, Allied attack to relieve a siege) The attacking force consists of the following: 1st Infantry Brigade Commander, the 75th Gordon Highlanders, 89th Royal Irish, Camel Corp Commander and the Guard Camel Regiment, the 3rd Infantry Brigade Commander, consisting of the 2nd Battalion 46th and the 1st battalion 79th, along with the Mounted Infantry and 3rd Royal Artillery 7pdr Mountain Screw Battery. The steamer Hermes is providing fire support and transporting supplies for Khartoum. The defenders of Khartoum include the following: Egyptian Overall Commander, IXth Sudanese Infantry, 1st Egyptian Gendarme, 1st Bashi Bazooks, Turkish Battalion, and Section B of the 5th Artillery.


In Khartoum, the outer defenses are manned by the Bashi Bazooks, the Gendarme,, and the Turkish Battalion.  The IXth Sudanese lines the North wall and acts as a reserve.


What the Allies did not count on was that most of the Dervish Army would lien p outside the town in an attempt to storm Khartoum

The initial volley from the defenders did inflict casualties across the front but this would be only one of 2 highlights in the defense of the town.  First to fall was the Bashi Bazooks. They fought to the man and the unit was completely wiped out.



Next was the Gendarme. They did have 3 stands break and run to the Nile. The Artillery was able to retreat out of the line and form up with the Sudanese. 

One of the highlights was the Turkish Battalion. They held out to the frontal assault but fell to attacks from the rear and flank.

The Sudanese reformed in the last main structure and held out against multiple assaults but in the end Pasha Hicks was mortally wounded and the Sudanese fought to the last.


In the mean time the Dervish Cavalry and 1 rub was tasked to hold off the British advance up the Nile. With the Steamer Hermes moving up stream the current was just too strong to make it to Khartoum to provide support or save any troops.

The British Mounted Infantry fought against several Dervish units and eventually followed them so far off the table that not many of the troopers returned.

The Hermes and the lead British Brigade made to the Rivers edge but it was too late. Khartoum had fallen.  This is a serious blow to the allied cause.

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