
Well its been awhile since I last posted.  Lets see, got engaged, became a grandfather, started playing Bolt Action 28mm WWII

This is my Russian Force. I have since added to this and it is still growing.

This was a game in my first tournament at The Hobby Shop in Dayton.  came in 5th out of 12 players.

Planning on going to Cincycon with my Russians but a different makeup.  More infantry and dropping the T34 for an SU76 so we will see.

I have Germans and am working on those also.  I have more armor then I do for the Russians, but Warlord has come out with a T34 Platoon pack with a Infantry spur for Tank riders. 

Will try to post more


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2019 Cincycon Bolt Action Tournament

Ok, so I have been a little busy working on my house and I'm almost done.  So hopefully I will be able to get back into gaming.  in the ...