Bolt Action Escalation League Current Standings:

Player Force Games Played (1) Wins (2) Losses (0) Draws (1) Painting Points Campaign Points Total
Ron Nassif US Marines 6 2   4 1   7
Bryan England US Paras 3 1   2 1   6
Tom Schumacher German Paras 2     2 1   5
Alex Akers German Generic 2   1 1 1   4
Dan Ward Canadians 2   1 1 1   4
Pat Landis US Paras 2   1 1 1   4
Branden Pritchard                
Phil Hayes British Paras              
Mitch Treier                
Karl Treier British              
Nick Bailey                
Myron Leick US               

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2019 Cincycon Bolt Action Tournament

Ok, so I have been a little busy working on my house and I'm almost done.  So hopefully I will be able to get back into gaming.  in the ...