Bolt Action Escalation League at Game Time


So I am firing up the blog again since I am the Bolt Action Sarge for Game Time Miniatures in Milford, OH.  We started a Bolt Action Escalation League starting at 250 points gaining 250 points a month to a final level of 1250.  We are officially meeting on the 2nd Monday of the month with a few meeting on Saturdays.  Below are the rules so far:

League Rules

·         Have fun. This league exists primarily to try and grow our local group and to try new armies for those who already play.
·         This league will be played over 5 rounds; each round will be one month long. During each round you may play a maximum of three games. Of the games played you may choose your best two to apply to your campaign score.
·         Round 1 list’s will be 250 points scaling up every round in 250 point increments to 1250 points in the final round. There will be some limits to your force based on the points played, see below
·         The following units will not be allowed:
o    NO Special Characters
o    NO War Correspondence Units
·         Please note if you are running an infantry platoon and plan to use a heavy artillery piece you will need a transport option to move it onto the board.
·         You may use Spilt Transport rules from the Warlord website
·         The following units are 0-1 choices in all armies
o    All types of forward observers, Free units are not affected by this rule, example Free British Artillery Observer
o    Heavy Howitzers
o    Super Heavy ATG’S
o    Multiple Rocket Launchers
o    Flamethrower Teams, you may have a 2nd attached to a Pioneer or Engineer squad if able
o    Pioneer or Engineer Squads
o    There may only be a single vehicle of armor 9 or better in any army
·         Armies will be a maximum of 2 platoons. Only one may be an Armored Platoon
·         We will be using the Version 2 Main Rule Book.
·         There will be a fee for each round of $5.00 if you play at Game Time, on the Game Day, then Prizes will be awarded as follows:
o    Most wins for the night
o    Best new painted unit for the month
·         At the conclusion of the League the following Prizes will be awarded:
o    First Place
o    Second Place
o    Third Place
o    Best Painted Army.
o    Worst Luck
o    Participation Award, basically if you play at the shop, you will win something

The following missions will be played in the league:
·         1st Month – Meeting Engagement – Mission #2
·         2nd Month – Key Positions – Mission #3, total of 5 objectives
·         3rd Month – Double Envelopment – Mission #4
·         4th Month – Demolition – Mission #6
·         5th Month – TBD

The Missions are set so that all players are playing the same mission for the month. The Last month will be determined at a future date.

.League Scoring
The scoring for the League will be decided by league points scored during the games. League points are accumulated as follows.
·         Basic Scoring will be as follows:
o    1 point for each game played
o    2 additional points for each win
o    1 additional point for a draw
o    Losses do not award points
o    1 point for a freshly painted unit for that round is fielded.
o    There may be additional points available which will be linked to scenarios objectives and goals.  These will only be handed out for games played at Game Time

There will be a Game Day/night at Game Time.  The 2nd Monday of the month is scheduled as of now.  Games can be played at Game Time or at home.  Check Facebook or blog for updates
Results will be posted on Facebook or Blog.  Please send the results of your game to
Monthly point breakdown and limits:

Month 1 - XXXXX 2016 - 250pts Army
Must contain mandatory units - 1 x Lieutenant and 2 x Inf. Squads
May contain HQ units other than Artillery and Air Observers (so extra Captain, Major or Medic - Absolutely No Observers)
Free units such as Russian inexperienced rifle squad and British artillery observer are not affected by these limits

Month 2 - XXXXX 2015 - 500pts Army

Must contain the mandatory units from month 1
You may now add to the units from Month 1, alter their experience levels and you can add additional infantry units and HQ units (still excluding Artillery and Air Observers), as well as adding other infantry support elements (Snipers, Mortars, MMG, and Flamethrowers, plus Trucks, Guns and Armoured Cars - absolutely no Tanks or Artillery and Air Observers)
Free units such as Russian inexperienced rifle squad and British artillery observer are not affected by these limits

Month 3 - XXXXX 2015 - 750pts Army

Must contain the mandatory units from month 1
You may continue to add to the units from Months 1 and 2, alter their experience levels and you can add additional infantry units and HQ units (Now you can include Artillery and Air Observers), as well as adding other infantry support elements (Snipers, Mortars, MMG, and Flamethrowers, plus Trucks, Guns and Armoured Cars - absolutely no Tanks)

Month 4 - XXXXX 2015 - 1000pts Army

Must contain the mandatory units from month 1
You may continue to add to the units from Months 1-3, alter their experience levels and you can add anything from the Main Rule Book, Additional Units PDFs and Army Books is allowed!

Month 5 - XXXXX 2015 - 1250pts Army

Must contain the mandatory units from month 1
You may continue to add to the units from Months 1-4, alter their experience levels and you can add anything from the Main Rule Book, Additional Units PDFs and Army Books is allowed!

All of the above is subject to change after each Game Day at Game Time, if there is sufficient reason for the change.

Now that we have a couple games in at 250, I am thinking of adding some additional Objectives:

Additional Missions
Since this is a League and there will be games after the first round with objectives, the follow additional objectives will be added.  You can only claim on of the objectives during league play.  Example, in a game in round 2 you defeat the opposing players Office, you can only claim that Objective once.  You cannot claim it in a later round.
One additional objective can be claimed per game
Additional objectives can only be claimed once per Round and are worth 1 TP each.
·         Smash and Grab – Defeat an enemy officer in assault.
·         Give no quarter – Destroy 75% or more of the enemy units in the game.
·         Not one step back – Win a scenario with 25% or fewer friendly units still represented on the table at the end of the game.
·         Against the odds – Win a scenario with 75% or more friendly units still represented on the table at the end of the game. 
·         Suppressive fire – Destroy an enemy unit with pins (not failed morale test).
·     Panzerknacker – Destroy an enemy armoured vehicle (8+ armour and/or recce) with a shooting attack or assault (not pins, air or artillery strike).
·         Demolition crew – Level a building or set one on fire (or both if you must).

So I am looking for a little input, ideas, suggestions.  These were used in a tourney in Chicago, I think,  and I just thought they might be a good addition to the league.

So there you have it so far, I will post the current standings and contact list as I have it


1 comment:

  1. Updated 2nd Month Scenario. Was scenario #5 when it should have been #3


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