Early War Armored Car Platoon

So the word is that Karl at Game Time will be putting on a Early War Tournament on early Jan.  So I thought it would be neat to work up a Early War Recon force based on at least 3 armored cars.  I had a 222 painted but my 231 and 233 were just base coated primer grey.

After watching The War Gamer on you tube and using his process to paint several German vehicles and some Russian I watched is process for painting German Grey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJdLn9wQRSs  Its quick and simple and his results are what I was looking for.

I didn't have the Army Painter Grey but had already primed them in a Med Grey from Home Depot.  Since it was close so no need to repaint.  I just followed his steps and love the results:

Still working on the painting area and lighting.  These are done except for the crew which should be done this weekend.  The StugD is almost done also, just touch up with Strong Tone, Decals, and a quick weathering and ready for Matte Finish.  Next is a Horsch Heavy Car, PzJagI, 37mm ATG, and a the Sdkfz 7/1 with quad 20mm.  I also have a Hetzer, RSO, and a Wespe, which I have seen pics of this is grey with Green camo strips, so might have to go that route with the Wespe.

The War Gamer has a lot of videos and some great tips for quickly getting figures painted and ready for the table.  So take a look at what he has and give them a view.

So back to the list:

German Tank PlatoonOrder Dice: 8
Platoon #1
Command Vehicle
SdKfz 222 Light Armoured Car  (Armies of Germany page: 59)Regular95
Qty   VehicleTypeTransport Damage Value 
      WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   SdKfz 222 Light Armoured CarWheeled-7+Recce, Open-topped, Flak
      Turret-mounted light autocannon48"2+2HE (1")
      Co-axial MMG36"6n/a
Cmd Vehicle Options
Cmd Vehicle Options  (Armies of Germany page: 0)0
(Command Vehicle special rule already included)
SdKfz 231 Heavy Armoured Car (8-Rad)  (Armies of Germany page: 60)Regular100
Qty   VehicleTypeTransport Damage Value 
      WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   SdKfz 231 Heavy Armoured Car (8-Rad)Wheeled-7+Recce (Dual direction steering)
      Turret-mounted light autocannon48"2+2HE (1")
      Co-axial MMG36"6n/a
SdKfz 231 Heavy Armoured Car (8-Rad)  (Armies of Germany page: 60)Regular120
Qty   VehicleTypeTransport Damage Value 
      WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   SdKfz 233 Heavy Armoured Car (8-Rad)Wheeled-7+Recce (Dual direction steering), Open-topped
      Front facing light howitzer48"(24-60)1HEFront arc, Howitzer, HE (2")
      Forward facing MMG36"6n/aFront arc
Kradschützen squad  (Armies of Germany page: 22)Regular161
Qty   WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   NCO with Submachine gun12"2n/aAssault
1   Infantry with Submachine gun12"2n/aAssault
1   Infantry with Light Machine gun (requires loader)36"5n/a
6   Infantry with Rifle24"1n/a
Entire squad mounted upon motorcycles and sidecarsMotorbikes
Heer Infantry squad  (Armies of Germany page: 20) full strengthRegular123
Qty   WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   NCO with Submachine gun12"2n/aAssault
1   Infantry with Light Machine gun (requires loader)36"5n/a
8   Infantry with Rifle24"1n/a
Heer Infantry squad  (Armies of Germany page: 20) full strengthRegular123
Qty   WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   NCO with Submachine gun12"2n/aAssault
1   Infantry with Light Machine gun (requires loader)36"5n/a
8   Infantry with Rifle24"1n/a
Truck  (Armies of Germany page: 64)Regular39
Qty   VehicleTypeTransport Damage Value 
      WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   TruckWheeledup to 126+
  Tow: Light howitzer; light or medium anti-tank gun; light anti-aircraft gun
Truck  (Armies of Germany page: 64)Regular39
Qty   VehicleTypeTransport Damage Value 
      WeaponsRangeShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules
1   TruckWheeledup to 126+
  Tow: Light howitzer; light or medium anti-tank gun; light anti-aircraft gun

Platoon Points:800
www.EasyArmy.comSource document: Armies of Germany

(p90) Moves at 12" for Advance and 24" at a Run with same rules and restrictions as Wheeled vehicles, except they may make any number of turns as they move. Cannot react to enemy attacks by going Down. Can react by making escape move (at normal move, not double speed). Can dismount as part of any Advance move, but cannot remount. Bike riders cannot shoot while moving. Cannot assault and can make an escape move if assaulted. If attacked at close quarters they fight as infantry. Each man fights (including sidecar passengers if equipped). Regroup 2D6" rather than D6".

(p118) Pinned by hits from small arms in the same way as soft-skins and infantry. If assaulted by infantry open-topped armoured vehicles are destroyed automatically if the vehicle is damaged, in the same way as for soft-skins.
If hit by indirect fire then add +1 to the damage result roll. Note that all hits upon the upper surface of armoured vehicles count +1 penetration regardless of whether the target is open or not - so open-topped armoured vehicles suffer a double penalty: +1 penetration and +1 damage result


Recce (Dual direction steering)

HE (1")
(p68) PEN: +1, PIN: D2 (D3 if in building) - Infantry and artillery can go down to halve the hits taken

HE (2")
(p68) PEN: +2, PIN: D3 (D6 if in building) - Infantry and artillery can go down to halve the hits taken

(p66) This weapon suffers no penalty 'to hit' when moving and shooting. In addition, infantry models armed with an assault weapon count as tough fighters (page 91). When a tough fighter scores a casualty in close quarters against infantry or artillery, it can immediately make a second damage roll.

(p71) Can either shoot directly at a taget drawing its line of fire 'over open sights' in the normal way, or it can shoot indirect fire. When using indirect fire, a howitzer has a minimum range; when firing over open sights it has no minimum range.

All enemy units not currently down automatically fire at the attacking aircraft if it is within their firing arc and range, regardless of whether they have already taken an action or not that turn. Flak fire does not require an action. Line of site ignored. Rolls to hit aircraft are always at a -2 penalty. Friendly flak units must test to hold their fire (page 67)

Pick List
Infantry with Rifle22
Infantry with Submachine gun1
Light Machine gun (requires loader)3
NCO with Submachine gun3
SdKfz 222 Light Armoured Car1
SdKfz 231 Heavy Armoured Car (8-Rad)1
SdKfz 233 Heavy Armoured Car (8-Rad)1

Not sure how well this will work, but I have the figures and figured what the heck, lets give it a try.  its highly mobile, even with the trucks.  The Armored Cars can lay down some fire as they move around the table and with the +2 pen, can handle most light tanks. The Kradschutzen Squad can rush up and take an objective and be a tough nut to move off with SMGs and a LMG.  The 2 full strength Infantry Squads, can hold a couple objectives and put out a ton of fire for 800 points.

So we will see.  it might get adjusted based on what Karl wants to run for this tourney.

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