Turn 6

The South: Since the Ruby T did not make it up the 6th cataract, the 4th Egyptians have disembarked to supply man power to clear this obstacle.  Which it does with no problems. The next stop is Wadi Hamed. Here the Dervish have decided to not put up a fight as they must still be at Atbara rejoicing in their victory over the Turks.  The Ruby T is now free to advance up the Nile to Khartoum bringing 5 turn’s worth of much needed supplies.

At Kosti the 3rd Egyptians have to make a move as they are out of supplies.  They decide to try and break the siege and have no luck as 3 Dervish units are blocking their escape. With no supplies, the 3rd Egyptians try to Sally from the town to force the Dervish away so they can gather supplies.

Battle of Kosti: (5 – 2, 3 units of Dervish, 2 rubs of Ansar, 1 Rub of Fuzzy Wuzzy, Sally forth to break siege) With only half a regiment at Kosti and the size of the force facing the 3rd Egyptians, they decided to fall back to the town and await their fate.  With supplies running out and a sizable force outside the walls, the Dervish stormed into Kosti and overwhelmed the defenders.  The 3rd Egyptian put up a gallant fight but in the end they could not stem the tide.   Kosti was lost to the Dervish!  Things are not looking good for the force at Khartoum or the forces trying to take El Obeid.

The West: The 1st Egyptians coming from the well at W1 and what remains of the force at Rahad advance to El Obeid.  Things do not look good as a sizable force of Dervish is at El Obeid.

Battle of El Obeid: (5 – 1 - 3, 7 units of Dervish, 3 rubs of Western Ansar, 1 Ansar Cavalry, 1 Jihadiya Rifle unit, and 1 Rub of Nile Ansar, Dervish Ambush on Anglo-Egyptian Column.)  2nd Egyptian Regiment, the 1st Cavalry Squadron, and the 2nd Camel Company are coming from the east. The 1st Egyptians are coming from the west.

Facing such a large force and with limited numbers of troops it did not look like an easy fight for he Egyptians.  The 1st Egyptians enter from the west and the odds did not look good.  It appeared that the Dervish were going to overwhelm the 1st to try and eliminate the gallant regiment.

To the East the 2nd Line, 2nd Camels and the1st Cavalry entered as a combined force. 

The Dervish struck here with the Rub of Nile Ansar attacked first.  This battle went back and forth with the 2nd Camels losing a stand in the process but this force held its ground.

 Final the Emir launched the Ansar Cavalry against the over stretched 1st Cavalry only to be pushed back.  Then the 2nd Egyptians stepped up and inflicted sever losses on the Cavalry to the point that they retreated out of range.

 To the East the 1st Egyptians were fighting for their lives as 2 Rubs of Western Ansar and the Jihadiya appeared.


This forced the Egyptians to form square.  Several charges by the Dervish were repulsed, but finally the rifle fire from 3 units of Dervish started to take their toll on the Egyptians.

 Then the final charge went in and the 1st Egyptians went down fighting to the last man.  At this point he remain Egyptians, knowing that they were facing overwhelm odds to retake El Obeid decided to retire back to Rahad.  This force is now cut off to the west and with Kosti lost to the east they will have a rough road ahead of them, unless help can come from Khartoum

The East: With the Revolt index in the east very low the number of Dervish forces here will be limited. The British force at Shediyeb advances to Hadiga, where there are no Dervish forces to meet them.  The force at Suakin Decides to send a force out to Tokar to begin the relief of Trinkitat. This consists of 56th Essex Battalion, both B & C companies of the Mounted Infantry, Battery C of the 5th Egyptian Artillery, and Pasha Hicks leading the column.  The rest of the force at Suakin remains to defend the town. Again with a very low index there are no Dervish forces to meet the British column.

The North: other then El Obeid, this seems to be where the action is.  The British force ad Suarda advances on to Dongola. The Egyptian force at Dongola decides not to wait and advances on to Debba where 2 Dervish units face the Egyptians.    

Battle of Debba: (4 – 2, 2 units of Dervish, 1 Ansar Cavalry and 1 Jihadiya Rifle unit Dervish Attack on Anglo-Egyptian camp.)  Upon seeing the size of the Egyptian force the Dervish decide not to give battle and retire from the field.

Next is Korti.

Battle of Korti: (4 – 1, 3 units of Dervish,2 Rubs of Nile Ansar and 1 Rub of Fuzzy Wuzzy, Dervish Ambush on Anglo-Egyptian column)  The 1st Camel Company lead the way followed by the 5th Egyptians, then the Xth Sudanese, the Supply Train, the 6th Artillery and then the XIth Sudanese.

This Egyptians force is slowing becoming the elite force of the Egyptian Army.  With the 1st Camel leading the column, they advanced down the road and deployed to the left.  The 5th Egyptians deployed on the road, the Xth Sudanese to the right and the artillery advanced down the road.  The Dervish at this time attempted to overwhelm all of the forces on the table with the Fuzzy unit attacking the Sudanese with help from an Ansar unit and 2 units of sward and spear attacking the Camels.



The Camels were able to defend themselves in typical fashion. The 5th Egyptians were pushed back with a lose and the Xth Sudanese as always held the line.  The next turn saw the Camels attack one of the Dervish units wiping them out completely.

The Artillery unlimbered next to the Xth and the 5th formed up to the left of the artillery.  The XIth moved on and the supply train formed up behind the artillery. The Xth and Artillery poured fire into the Dervish to their front mowing down even more Dervish.

The next turn saw the Dervish attack across the front of the Xth and the Artillery battery but to no avail.  At this time the Dervish force had been reduced to the point that they could not sustain the attack and melted into the desert leaving the road to Korti open to the Egyptians. 

The result was that the 5th Egyptians lost another stand reducing their effectiveness to 7 stands, but still a potent fighting force.  The 1st Camels on the other hand, having won many individual battles, have had they Morale elevated to Elite status.


The reinforcements at Aswan advance on to Wadi Halfa to relieve the forces there. These forces move up the Nile to Suarda. At Berber all forces remain here as there are enough supplies and forces to maintain control of the city.


The supply situation at Berber is in good shape, decreasing from 5 to 4. In Khartoum the supply situation is restored with 5 turns of supplies from the Ruby T.

Again the situation in India is not allowing any additional units to be dispatched from there to Suakin. At Aswan.

At Aswan the following arrive:

3rd Squadron 5th Lancers

Royal Naval Commander

1st Royal Naval Gatling Battery


Closing out the turn the revolt index in the West goes up to 6. The North it stays at 4 due to the win at Korti and the lost in the West.  The East stays it goes up to 3. The South the index also goes back up to 6 after the disaster at Kosti  The Mahdist gains 45 points this turn for a total of 235 points.



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