WWII Russian 28mm Army

Yea I have a problem. Below is my painted 28mm WWII Russians.  Manufactures are Warlord, Rubicon, Wargames Foundry, Trenchworxs, and maybe a few others.  Kind of lost track over the years.

Mostly Command, Weapons Teams, Scouts, and Engineers

Rifle Infantry, SMGs, LMG,s and ATRs

Light Tanks and Allied Armor

The Heavy's.  The JSII needs paint but its too cold to spray

Finally the work horse of the army, the T34/76 and T34/85's  Again its too cold to spray so the 1 T34/85 will have to wait for a warm day

Still have a Limber to base, and a 76mm Infantry gun to base up.  Plus I'm workignon some Assault Engineers that will give me 2 full squads.

Then its just a few odds and ends.  Would like a 3rd T70, a Matilda and Valentine from the Brits.  and a M3 Halftrack from the Americans. After that not sure.  Maybe early war as I only have a BT7 and the BA6 Armored Car.  T35? too expensive, but would be nice. 

Germans are next.  have lots to paint there.  Infantry, Pioneers, SS, Fallschrimjagers, vehicles, etc.

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