KOI Bolt Action Escalation League Schedule

Below is the updated Bolt Action League Schedule at Game Time Miniatures:

13-Feb - 500 Point round begins
4-March - 1250 Point Tournament at Cincycon www.cincycon.org for registration
13-March - 750 Point Round begins
10-April - 1000 Point Round begins
8-May - 1250 Point Round begins. this is the final round.
12-June - Awards given out for Escalation League and open game night
24-June - 800 Point Doubles Tournament?  Thinking of putting on a doubles Tournament 800 points each, must pair up forces,  German and German, German and Japanese, American and British, etc.
July to September- Road to Victory campaign. Road to Victory  This was created by the group over at wwpd.net and Nick Bailey and I played the first turn and rolled to see what our troops woudl be for the next turn.  this looks like a lot of fun to play.  More details as we get closer,
October - Some type of tournament, maybe a themed tourney

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